Simple e-mail, Weather FAX, and NAVTEX on your boat |
Whether underway, at the dock, or anchored out, stay in touch with friends, relatives, and fellow cruisers by having DockSide Radio (DSR), bring e-mail onboard. Add a Pactor-II/III/IV radio modem to your existing marine SSB system and begin sending & receiving e-mail from your boat: |
No more searching for a local
Internet Cafe.
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Your e-mail |
DockSide Radio is a stocking dealer for the SCS Pactor P4DR-7400 ($1629), and the P4DR-7800 ($1999). After reading the brief discussion below, send us an e-mail or call us at 206.792.9540 with your questions. If you want to purchase a Pactor modem, go to the Order Pactor Modems page, look over the product offering, and then give us a call at 206.792.9540, or order over the Interne . |
Pactor-IV (P4)
- What is it and what does it do for me? One word--- s
d SCS tells us that Pactor-4 technology is the absolute fastest a Pactor modem can go on the HF bands and still stay within the internationally mandated bandwidth. With totally new hardware and firmware designs, Pactor-4's maximum throughput speed of 10,500 bps. is twice (2X) that of Pactor-III. That means more free time for you to enjoy the cruising life style, and less drain on your ship's batteries. Here's an actual on-the air throughput speed comparison between Pactor-III and Pactor-4 conducted on 23 November 2012 at 1423 EST (1923Z) between DockSide Radio (Punta Gorda, FL), and the Sailmail Coast Station at Rock Hill, SC.
© 2022 DockSide Radio |