
by Sea-Tech Systems


Programming an Icom 700Pro & 710

Virtually all SSB communications are conducted using the frequency and mode data stored in the 150-160 radio channels in the User Channel Group. Depending upon the age of your radio and the version of firmware implemented at the time, the frequency database stored the User Channel Group in the M-700 series radios can be temporarily or permanently reprogrammed. 

There are two large knobs, a keypad, and a Mode button on the front of the radio. These are the tools used to reprogram frequency and mode data in the radio.

  • The large left-hand knob is the Group Channel Selector knob. Use it to  select the channel group you want to use.

  • The right-hand knob is the Channel Selector knob. Use the Channel Selector knob to select a radio channel within a selected Channel Group.

  • The CH/Freq keypad key toggles the radio LCD dial display between Channel and Frequency.

  • The Mode button selects USB, LSB, H3E, etc., modes.

M-710/710RT Programming:

  1. Turn the radio on.
  2.  Rotate the Group Channel Selector Knob until you have found the User Channel Group.
  3. Turn the Channel Selector Knob to the radio channel to be programmed.
  4. Press the RX keypad key.
  5. Press & release the CH/Freq keypad button until the LCD display shows frequency.
  6. Press the CE keypad key. A caret symbol { } will appear on the top line of the dial LCD display.
  7. Press the MODE button until USB (J3E) mode shows on the LCD display.
  8. Enter the new receive frequency using the keypad.
  9. Press and hold the RX keypad key until the caret disappears. The new receive frequency is now stored.
  10. Press the TX keypad key. "TX" will flash on line two of the dial LCD.
  11. Press the CE keypad key. A caret symbol {} will appear next to of the flashing "TX".
  12. Enter the new Transmit frequency (the same as the receive frequency for simplex) using the keypad.
  13. Press and hold the TX keypad key.
  14. Press and hold the TX keypad key again.


M-700Pro - Programming the Current (12/2005) (Model 24):

  1. Enable the Keypad. With the 700Pro turned off, simultaneously hold down the T Only Key and the ENT Key while pressing the Power On/Off button to enable the keypad (As shipped from the factory the Keypad is disabled). 
  2.  Rotate the Group & Channel Selector Knobs to select the radio channel Group (A, B, C), and memory location (0-50) you wish to program. 
  3. Enter the desired 5-6 digits of the desired frequency. A caret symbol { } will appear on the LCD display while entering the frequency numbers.
  4. Press and hold the ENT keypad key. The dial LCD display will show "Simplex" and when the caret { } will disappears your entry is stored.  It is not necessary to program the receive and transmit frequencies separately when programming the M-700Pro unless you wisher to enter a "duplex" frequency set. The M-700 Pro "assumes" that you're operating "simplex", and that the desired transmit frequency is the same as the receive frequency.

M-700Pro - Programming the "older" (pre 12/2005) (Model 24):

  1. Select the "A", "B", or "C" Memory Mode/User Group with the Group Channel Selector Knob.
  2. Turn the radio turn the Radio OFF.
  3. With the radio off,  simultaneously hold down the mode and squelch (SQL) buttons while turning the radio on. This activates the 10-key keypad and puts the radio into the "extended frequency mode", permitting it to transmit on both amateur radio and ham frequencies.
  4. Press the CH/Freq keypad button to get into the "channel Mode". Select the radio memory location/radio channel to be programmed.
  5. Press the CH/Freq keypad button to get into the Frequency mode.
  6. Enter the new  frequency using the keypad.
  7. Check to see that the correct mode is showing.
  8. Press and hold the ent key until you hear two beeps from the radio's speaker (Hint: keep the volume turned up so you'll be sure to hear the beeps).
  9. The LCD display on the radio will display the newly programmed frequency and show simp (simplex) on the screen. It is not necessary to program the receive and transmit frequencies separately when programming the M-700Pro unless you wisher to enter a "duplex" frequency set. The M-700 Pro "assumes" that you're operating "simplex", and that the desired transmit frequency is the same as the receive frequency.
Note: The M-700Pro must be manually set to the Extended Frequency mode each time it is turned on.
  The Group Channel Selector knob tunes the radio in 1-KHz steps, and the Channel Selector now tunes the radio in 100 cycle increments when the Extended Frequency mode is enabled.