by Sea-Tech Systems

Home Program Your SSB M803 Ch Guide M802 Channel Guide

Credit Card Customers - Two ways to Order:
 online: Use your credit card thru Paypal
Phone: Call-in your order, card number, & address

Need a replacement hand mic for your M802 Radio? Icom has discontinued the original HM135 microphone that came with the M802, but we have the new HM214H Microphone which is compatible with the M802. You can order it from Sea-Tech


M803 / M802 À la Carte Icom Marine SSB Radio
Accessories & Components
Item Part # Description Add to Shopping Cart

Published shipping, handling, & insurance charges are for domestic US shipping.

Icom AT-140


Companion Antenna Tuner
Icom M803 and M802

The companion Antenna Tuner for the Icom M803 & M802 SSB's, necessary for connecting  to your  backstay, or fiberglass SSB vertical antenna. Two cables are required to connect your AT-140 to your M803 / M802; a coaxial cable to carry the radio signals to / from your antenna, and an OPC-I465 (M803) or OPC-1147N (M802) tuner control cable to supply 13.8VDC, DC ground, and carry  tuning status signals.



Contact Us

See Contact Info at Top of Page


The Sailors Quick-Start Guide
 SSB Installation & Operation


How to Install & Operate
Your Icom M803, M802, M710, M700Pro SSB

What You Need to Know to Make Your SSB Work

That's what The Quick-Start Guide to SSB Radio Installation and Operation is all about. Whether you need help figuring out how to use your SSB, or you're planning on doing your own installation, The Sailors Quick-Start Guide to SSB Radio Installation & Operation has the information you need. Forty pages of focused, actionable information give you the tools you need to make it work.

No obfuscation - Lots of clarification

Sailors Quick-Start Guide
SSB Installation and Operation

$19.95* +  Shipping**

M803 / AT-140 Antenna Tuner Control Cable

OPC-1465 Designed to connect the M803 to the AT-140 Antenna Tuner, the 10 Meter (30+ feet) OPC-1465 Shielded Control Cable supplies +/- 13.8VDC power and control signals between the M803 SSB and AT-140 antenna tuner. With preinstalled connectors on both ends, the OPC-1465 easily plugs into matching connectors on the M803 and AT-140.

Contact Us

See Contact Info at Top of Page 

M803 / M802 Flush-mount kit


2 Kits may be required:
One kit for M802 Control Head & a second kit for the SP-24 Speaker

Give your M803, M802, or VHF  radio a neat professional look by flush mounting the control head and speaker using the MB-75 mounting kit. Simply insert your control head or speaker into an appropriately sized hole, and from the backside attach the left and right clamping brackets and adjust the jack-screw. One kit (two brackets) required for each mountable device.
$3700* + Shipping**    

Genuine FairRite Type 31
RF choke
 (½-inch center)

7212 An XL (1/2" diameter center) genuine Type-31 FairRite  snap-on RF choke.  Use to help stop shipboard wiring from acting like an antenna, picking up RF from your SSB. 
$9.45* ea* + Shipping**

SSB Radio  Accessory Kits

M803/M802 RFI Kit

Now with Superior RF Choking

Kit configuration designed to suppress common-mode  RF interference (RFI). Connects between an Icom M803, M802 & an  AT-140, 141  tuner. No soldering required.

Can also be fitted onto coax cable connecting XCVR to AT-120/AT-130 tuners

RFIK-8 The M803 RFI kit is the first step toward reducing  / eliminating ship-board Radio Frequency Interference caused by "Common-mode" signals from your SSB radio transmissions. The M803 / M802 RFI Kit consists of two genuine FairRite XLType-31 snap-on RF chokes (for installation on the OPC-1465 Antenna Tuner control cable), one Line Isolator (installs inline with the coax cable), a PL-258 double male UHF Coax Connector, and instructions.

Note: RFI Kits contain components required in a properly designed SSB radio system. Adding them to an existing installation should help reduce interference to other ship-board electronics caused by your SSB. They are NOT, however, a substitute for proper SSB system design. Neither are they a remedy for poorly functioning antenna and RF ground systems.

$124.95 + Shipping & Insurance

M803/802 DSC Antenna Kit


Digital Selective Calling is discussed in detail on pages 15-42 of the M802 Instruction Manual.

DSCK-803/802 calls?
What's connected to your DSC antenna connector? If you have an unused coaxial antenna connector on the back of your M803/802 the answer is nothing.  

The Icom M803/802 is actually two separate receivers inside one box; the regular SSB receiver for standard SSB communications, and a dedicated Digital Selective Calling (DSC) receiver. It is this second DSC receiver that continuously listens for DSC calls addressed to your MMSI number (the number you've programmed into your M803/802). If you don't have an FCC-issued MMSI number already, DockSide Radio can file for one on your behalf - see FCC Licenses on this web site, or call 206-792-9540.

Kit contents:
  1. METZ WEFAX/DSC antenna with mounting angle bracket. (Mounts similar to VHF whip).
  2. 30-feet  RG8x coaxial cable with soldered PL259 connectors on each end.

$169.95* + Shipping & Insurance**



???? Questions, Problem's, Issues ????
Didn't buy your SSB from DockSide Radio?
Fee-based technical support is available:
One(1) hour minimum charge
Billed in 15-min. increments after the first hour
Call Sea-Tech Systems 206-792-9540


- Icom M803 SSB Finishing Kit -

Radio Kit Kit Contents & Description Pricing & Ordering
Note: Shipping, Handling, Insurance charges are for
 US domestic shipping only.

IC-M803 Finishing Kit



½-inch center
 Type-31 Ferrite
 RF Chokes

Common-mode RF Choke

Double Male Coax Connector


0.012 Copper Foil -10'

2¾" mim-3" max width

OPC-1465Tuner Control Cable

33'-ft Coaxial Cable

20' GTO-15 antenna lead

Out of Stock

-T -Bug Antenna Lead


IC-M803 Finishing Kit

The M803k Finishing Kit contains these difficult to find, but necessary bits-n-pieces:

  1. AT-140 Antenna Tuner
  2. OPC-1465  tuner control cable (10M - 30+ Feet).
  3. RG-8 low-loss double-shielded coaxial cable with soldered connectors installed on both ends(10', 15', 20', 25', or 33'/10M)1
  4. BD-1115 "common-mode" coaxial RF Choke.
  5. Double-male coaxial connector.
  6. 2 XL snap-on RF chokes - Genuine Type-31 FairRite ferrites.
  7. Copper RF grounding foil (10', heavy-duty .012 thick,  3-inches wide - Won't dissolve in your bilge).
  8. GTO-15 - 20-feet antenna lead-in wire.
  9. The -T Bug, GTO-15 to Backstay connector. (DSR exclusive)
  10.  Sailors Quick-Start Guide to SSB Radio Installation & Operation (DSR exclusive).
  11. 1-hour professional technical support included.1

1 DockSide Radio does not control the design compromises frequently incorporated into non-standard components & products. Because the outcomes of using non-standard compromises are in many cases indeterminate, DockSide Radio is unable to provide no-charge technical support to self-customized SSB systems that violate generally accepted industry design practices and basic physics.  



Shipping & Insurance**

These are the difficult to find bits-n-pieces necessary to have a properly functioning SSB system.


If you're planning on flush-mounting the control head, you need to add one $37.00 Flush-mount kit to your order.

If you're planning on flush-mounting both the control head and speaker, you'll need to add two flush-mount kits to your order.

Flush-mount Kit $37.00* + shipping

      S SB radios are shipped only to addresses  containing a US postal zip code.  Modems & Modem Kits are shipped by Insured United Parcel Service (UPS) Ground within the Continental  US, and by insured Express Mail to APO's and Territories.  Cables and adaptors may be shipped by Priority Mail.


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