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If you're looking for a clear, understandable guide to aid you in quickly getting SailMail up and running this is the book for you. The 68-page Sailors' Quick-Start Guide to SailMail / Airmail / Winlink 2000 is chock-full of detailed step-by-step instructions, diagrams, and more than 70 screen shots to quickly get you sending e-mail and receiving Weather FAX  . 

Below is the Table of Contents from The Sailors' Quick-Start Guide to SailMail / Airmail / Winlink 2000 Fifth Edition.

  1       Section I. – Getting Started.

1.1     Preface.

1.2     Definition of Terms

1.3     Airmail: Functional Overview.

1.3.1       E-mail

1.3.2       Weather FAX (WEFAX)

2            Section II. – Putting Airmail and WEFAX on your Computer

2.1     Step 1 – Download the Software.

2.1.1       Download Airmail

2.1.2       Download ICEPAC.

2.1.3       Download GetFAX and ViewFAX. P

2.2     Step 2 – Install the Programs

2.2.1       Airmail

2.2.2       GetFAX and ViewFAX Applets

 2.2.3       ICEPAC, Propagation Prediction Program.

2.3     Step 3 – Setup/Configure Airmail.

3            Section III. – Using Airmail

3.1     Writing e-mail

3.1.1       Addressing the Message.

3.1.2       Composing Your Message.

3.1.3       Posting Your Message.

3.1.4       Your e-mail Address  

3.2     Sending and Receiving e-Mail

3.2.1       Terminal Screen Toolbar Icons

3.2.2       Five Steps for Sending and Receiving e-mail

3.2.3       Reading New e-Mail Messages

3.2.4       Address Book.

3.2.5       Editing an Existing Address

3.2.6       Group Address - Adding a New Address

3.2.7       Using Address Book.

3.2.8       Operating Tips

3.2.9       License Requirements

4            Section IV. – Weather Maps, Forecasts, Catalog Sheets.

4.1     Catalog Sheets – What are they?.

4.1.1       Accessing Catalog Sheets

4.2     National Weather Service (NWS) FAX-Back.

4.3     Saildocs

4.3.1       GRIB Files

4.4     GETFAX – Receiving Weather Map Broadcasts

4.5     VIEWFAX – Viewing Weather Maps and Forecasts

4.6     WEFAX File Size and Pactor-III (P-III)

5            Section V. – What to Do When Things Don’t Work.

5.1     Troubleshooting – Start Here.

5.1.1       Getting the Computer and Modem Talking to Each Other

5.1.2       Get the Modem and Radio talking to Each Other.

5.2     Manually Editing Airmail Configuration.

5.2.1       Modem Type/Model

5.2.2       Com Port

5.2.3       Baud Rate.

5.2.4       Show Links Messages

5.2.5       Radio Connection.

5.2.6       Radio Model/Type.

5.2.7       Baud.

5.2.8       RS-232.

5.2.9       Dial Offset:

 5.2.10    Remote ID/CIV ADDR (hex) - Icom Radio Address

5.2.11    Tune First:

5.2.12    Audio Tones:

5.2.13    Modes Screen: (Applicable to Icom M-700, 710, 710RT, & M-802)

5.2.14    Settings Tab Sheet(s)

5.2.15    Verifying Your Configuration – Does it Work?

6            Section VI. – Appendix I – A Collection of “How-to-do” Info.

6.1     Bluetooth Equipped PTC-II Modems

6.1.1       Connecting Your Modem via Bluetooth.

6.2     Driver Installation, PTC-IIusb.

6.2.1       Installing the PTC-IIusb Driver on Windows XP and 2000.

6.3     File Attachments

6.3.1       SailMail Network.

6.3.2       WL2K Network.

6.4     Frequency and Station Lists

6.4.1       Station List–SailMail Version of Airmail

6.4.2       Making a Frequency List (WL2K version of Airmail)

6.5     Frequency and Station Selection.

6.5.1       Using the Propagation Forecasting Tool

6.6     GPS.

6.6.1       Connecting the Wires

6.7     Pactor III License Upgrade.

6.7.1       Pactor-III License Installation.

6.8     Position Reports – SailMail & WL2K Networks

6.8.1       SailMail - Position Report Submission.

6.8.2       WL2K - Position Report Submission.

6.8.3       Viewing Position Reports

6.9     Power Adjustment – Setting Transmit Power

6.9.1       Automatic Power Adjustment

 6.9.2       Manual Power Adjustment

6.10   Receiving e-mail While Away from Your Boat

6.10.1    Web Mail

6.10.2    Telnet.

6.10.3    Mail Forwarding – (WL2K Only)

 6.11   Software Updates

6.11.1    Airmail, GetFAX, & ViewFAX Update.

6.11.2    Pactor Modem Firmware Update.

6.12   SPAM.

6.12.1    SailMail

6.12.2    WL2K.

6.13   Weather Observations - MAROB.

6.13.1    The MAROB Data Submission Form.

7     Appendix II – Hardware-related Information.

7.1     Icom HF Radio Hex Addresses

7.2     Connecting Modem Cables to Icom, Kenwood, or Yaesu Radios.

7.2.1       Connecting PTC-II/III Modems to Icom Radios.

7.2.2       Connecting PTC-II/III Modems to Kenwood & Yaesu Radios.

7.3     FairRite’s – Where to put Type 31 Snap-on FairRite RF Chokes.

7.3.1  Connection Diagrams - SSB Radio System Cabling & FairRite Placement.

The Sailors Quick-Start Guide 
Sailmail / AirMail / Winlink2000

Fifth Edition


Gary Jensen

© 2007 DockSide Radio

The Sailors' Quick-Start Guide to Sailmail / AirMail / Winlink 2000 is available for $19.95 from DockSide Radio, DownWind Marine. To purchase The Sailors'' Quick-Start Guide to Sailmail / AirMail / Winlink 2000 by credit card click the shopping cart button, or send a check for $22.75 ($19.95 + $2.80 postage and handling) to DockSide Radio.

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